Thematic Line 1
Health Promotion
Health Promotion through Life Course, Health Trajectories and Transitions, Behavioral Insight and Inequalities
According to Horizon Europe Agenda (2021-2027), people in vulnerable stages of life (perinatal, birth, infancy, childhood, pregnancy and late adulthood), including people with disabilities or injuries, have specific health needs that require better understanding and tailored solutions, taking gender and ethical aspects into consideration.
The follow up of these group of people, in all phases of their lives, will allow reducing related health inequalities and improving health outcomes to the benefit of active and healthy ageing throughout their life course, including through a healthy start of life and diet reducing the risk of mental and physical diseases later in life.
Scope and Activities
The main goal is to promote better health and reduce social and health inequalities around the world, with special attention on those who usually are left behind.
To foster comprehensive understanding on how to act on these determinants, identifying effective strategies for behavioural.
Strengthen alliances for health and well-being across all sectors, will create supportive environments for health promotion.
To develop innovative health promotion strategies that are tailored, effective and sustainable.
To create an effective platform for evidence-based policy and interventions development and evaluation.
Contribute to implement innovation actions on Active and Healthy ageing, based on synergies with Thematic Line 5, through the development of digital tools.
The Team
Sónia Dias
Miguel Lopes
Relevant investigators
Ana Maria Rodrigues
Armando Raimundo
Jaime Branco
José Paulo Santos
Susana Viegas
Ana Rita Londral
Helena Canhão
Julian Perelman
Luís Miguel Borrego
Other Investigators
Felismina Mendes
Isabel Loureiro
Manuel Gonçalves Pereira
Miguel Xavier
Paulo Sousa
Rui Santana
Thematic Line 2
New Therapies
New Therapies, Biomarkers and Personalized Medicine in High Burden and High Mortality Diseases
Cardiovascular, respiratory, musculoskeletal, mental, infectious diseases, as well as sensation and hearing disorders, are among the most disabling conditions worldwide, contributing to premature death and high health service demand. Despite the increasing prevalence of multimorbidity, healthcare delivery often remains focused on single diseases, which leads to fragmented care. The challenge is to enable the development of new biomarkers and therapies to advance personalized medicine in managing these high-burden diseases, while also understanding and addressing multimorbidity.
Scope and Activities
The main goal is to enhance the understanding and treatment of high-burden and high-mortality diseases through personalized medicine. This will involve developing new markers, therapies, and approaches that are patient-centered rather than disease-focused. The scope also includes improving clinical practices, health services, and outcomes for individuals with these diseases.
Develop new biomarkers and conduct pre-clinical and clinical trials, including investigator-initiated and population-based studies, to translate research from bench to bedside and communities.
Improve clinical practices and health services for individuals suffering from high-burden and high-mortality diseases.
Provide consistent descriptions of the burden, injuries, and risk factors associated with diseases that cause premature death, disability, and loss of health.
Create screening tools and pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments to enhance patient care and clinical outcomes.
Develop and test new modes of care delivery and address the needs of multimorbid patients.
Promote integrated strategies to optimize healthy and active aging.
Foster dialogue and collaboration between thematic lines and research units, especially those addressing lifestyles, new technologies, access to the market, health services, and health policies.
The Team
Pedro Póvoa
Jaime Branco
Relevant Investigators
Susana Viegas
Luís Miguel Borrego
Helena Canhão
José Paulo Santos
Ana Paula Arez
João Pinto
Miguel Viveiros
Caldas de Almeida
Ana Rita Londral
Ana Maria Rodrigues
Other Investigators
Paulo Sousa
Rui Santana
José Fragata
Nuno Neuparth
Pedro Martins
Pedro Escada
Paulo Paixão
Manuel Gonçalves Pereira
Miguel Xavier
Inês Fronteira
Thematic Line 3
Global Health
Global Health in One Health
Health is central to sustainable development, addressing poverty, planetary protection, and prosperity for all. Achieving these goals requires a multidisciplinary approach that integrates global health and medicine, public health methods, and systems strengthening.
Scope and Activities
To advance knowledge in global health by integrating biological, social, and population-based approaches, with a focus on infectious diseases and mental health. The thematic line aims to strengthen health systems and develop tools to improve health equity and well-being, particularly in resource-limited settings.
Support countries in strengthening health systems to achieve universal coverage.
Improve individual healthcare in high-disease-burden settings.
Develop policies and strategies to improve health system access and efficiency.
Create innovative methods for infectious disease surveillance and control.
Study drug and insecticide resistance, and promote new therapeutic targets.
Guide health systems to prevent and control infectious diseases through personalized approaches.
Develop and promote new mental health strategies in collaboration with WHO and other global partners.
The Team
Miguel Viveiros
José Caldas de Almeida
Relevant Investigators
Manuel Lopes
Ana Paula Arez
João Pinto
Julian Perelman
Sónia Dias
Pedro Povoa
Ana Rita Londral
Other Investigators
Reynaldo Dietze
Luís Gomes Sambo
Thierry Eric Charles Mertens
Paulo Ferrinho
Benedetto Saraceno
Graça Cardoso
Manuela Silva
Miguel Xavier
Thematic Line 4
Health Policies
Health Policies, Universal Coverage, Patient Centered and Efficient Healthcare
The COVID-19 pandemic and previous crises have highlighted weaknesses in health policies and resource management, exacerbating inequalities in access to care. The challenge is to develop, evaluate, and implement innovative health policies and reforms to optimize health systems.
Scope and Activities
To position REAL at the forefront of health policy evaluation and innovation by developing evidence-based approaches to health prevention, promotion, and efficient healthcare delivery.
Create a “health policy evaluation lab” to assess innovative policies.
Develop a “policies incubator” for the design and evaluation of innovative solutions.
Strengthen partnerships with key national and international stakeholders.
Increase patient safety and innovation through collaboration with WHO.
Offer advanced training in health policy evaluation and design.
The Team
Julian Perelman
Miguel Xavier
Relevant Investigators
José Caldas de Almeida
Ana Rita Londral
Manuel Lopes
Helena Canhão
Jaime Branco
Sónia Dias
Other Investigators
Rui Santana
Paulo Sousa
Alexandre Abrantes
Adalberto Campos-Fernandes
Francisco Ramos
Ana Escoval
Bruno Heleno
Thematic Line 5
Digital Health
Digital Health, Medtech, Health Technology Assessment and Access to the Market
Digital health technologies offer innovative solutions to healthcare challenges. However, their development must ensure privacy, data protection, and cost-effectiveness while improving health outcomes.
Scope and Activities
To advance digital health research, technology development, and innovation in medical training, equipment, diagnostics, and patient care, ensuring economic viability and market access.
Develop and validate new medical equipment and digital health solutions.
Advance artificial intelligence and machine learning for diagnosis and treatment.
Improve digital platforms for medical records and patient management.
Conduct health technology assessments to evaluate the effectiveness and cost-efficiency of innovations.
Foster partnerships with industry and healthcare providers.
The Team
José Paulo Santos
Ana Rita Londral
Relevant Investigators
Julian Perelman
Helena Canhão
Armando Raimundo
Ana Maria Rodrigues
Manuel Lopes
Susana Viegas
Sonia Dias
João Pinto
Miguel Viveiros
Pedro Povoa
Other Investigators
Ricardo Vigário
Cláudia Quaresma
Luis Lapão
Bruno Heleno
Márcio Navalho
Hugo Gamboa